In typical Naeema fashion, I am bringing you some Ramadan downloads a day before Ramadan (ok but all I have to say is, HOW IS IT ALREADY RAMADAN GUYS??!?!!! Seriously, where is the time going?)
The first download is a minimal Ramadan calendar, mostly because I am so not into those ones the Masjid hands out that have wayyyy too many ads...last year the one my mum had on her fridge the entire month had a really awkward ad for circumcision....who wants that on their wall/fridge for the whole month???
The calendar is available in midnight blue or dusty pink so take your pick (or be like me and use both because the indecisiveness is real).
May this blessed month bring us closer to our Lord. May it be a month of reflection, change and growth. May we utilise these days to pray, pray more than we ever have for the Ummah, ourselves and the entire world. May we all come out of this month better than we were when we entered it. I know we all go into Ramadan with high hopes and expectations and goals that we want to achieve, just remember that every little bit counts and baby steps are the most important steps to take.