If you've been following along on Instagram you would know that we are very close to having out little baby...and by very close I mean we are currently in the "any day" period. Which for one is absolutely crazy because how did these past 9 months go so fast?!!? And secondly, sooo exciting! We can not wait to meet this little miracle that has been swimming around in my belly for the past 9 months.
I really want to take as much time as I need to postpartum to not only regain my strength (mentally, physically + emotionally) but to also really give this baby all my attention. I want to enjoy motherhood and I know that initially that means I'll need to be able to focus on being a mother without any other distractions.
Unfortunately, this does mean that I won't be taking on any custom orders during this period, this does include customised soulmate prints. The good news is, that my incredible husband has joined the team here at NAYMA and so the shop will remain open and you'll be able to shop all prints while i'm away!
I'm working on some new prints and planning on adding them before baby comes but have been hit with some insane 3rd trimester fatigue the past few days. We also have some other exciting products and ideas we want to launch and i'm hoping i'll be able to have all the design work done before baby arrives so you guys will have lots of new stuff to shop!